Monday, January 11, 2010

Graduate School Blog Questions

This blog can be used in the following ways for my students.  First, it helps students with their writing, as they are writing across the curriculum.  A quality check is built in, as their work is accessible by everyone on the internet, therefore making sure they sound smart to the audience.  It is in a familiar format for the students as it uses the same responses they use for a social networking site such as facebook or twitter.  They have access to their instructor and their classmates 24/7, as we can check the blog page at any time.  I can provide web links for my students as a web dig for information for an assignment or homework. 

It is also a place where I can post musical examples for my students.  Students can interact with me using the blog space as an online learning lab.  The students can have links to online instructional videos, creating links to experts for their musical instrument. 


  1. Hi Chris-

    I cannot wait to see the musical links!

    I am so glad you made the point about a blog being quality checked by all readers. This is an excellent point. If this were a wiki I could alos edit your work. Unfortunately in a blog all I can do is comment and reference any errors I might see.

    Don't forget, the word Internet is always capitalized.

    Great start!

  2. Hi Chris,

    Thanks for sharing your ideas for blogging and how you would use it. I was wondering what the population of your school is like. Do most of the students have a computer and the internet at home? Are you requiring the blog as part of the students grade, or just as a medium for them to exchange ideas and view links? I would be worried about the students that may not have access to a computer.
